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  • Thread startermuleman
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Beloved Member
Apr 7, 2005
Pooch last night Obama won and so did Hucklebee here in Iowa. Your lady Hillary that you and Bill enjoy came in third. Edwards took the second spot. The big winner was Mike Huckabee though I think the country is on a religious swing and the Evangelical Christians or gonna get this guy a rolling in to the White House. Also the other news from Iowa bro 15 football players from Iowa arrestted this year. Nice Team
I hated to see Hilary finish anywhere but 1st. Oh well, still early. I don't think Huckabee stands a chance or at least I hope not. I'm tired of right wing leadership breathing down America's neck.
pimpology101 said:
I hated to see Hilary finish anywhere but 1st. Oh well, still early. I don't think Huckabee stands a chance or at least I hope not. I'm tired of right wing leadership breathing down America's neck.
You are a Hillary fan holly shit she hates men Pimp all but Pooch and Bill. I was glad she did get beat here. In my county it was Edwards first then Obama and Hillary tied in second with 661 each. On the other side Huckabee way high then Romney 300 votes less. Hell they all loved Thompson here he came in 2nd in my county. Where I live though Pimp a bunch of old fucking money men sitting on their asses counting money all day long. Tight old bastards
She may be a man hater but she's not gonna cram morality down our throats at every turn and refuse federal monies to schools who teach a safe sex curriculum instead of merely abstinence. Also, we get two presidents for the price of one if she's elected. And well know how much better this country was when Bill was in office.
pimpology101 said:
She may be a man hater but she's not gonna cram morality down our throats at every turn and refuse federal monies to schools who teach a safe sex curriculum instead of merely abstinence. Also, we get two presidents for the price of one if she's elected. And well know how much better this country was when Bill was in office.
Look in the mirrow slap your face twice take 4 pills of any kind and lay down and take a nap. Pimp kids can give blowjobs in school junior high even that isn't sex thats what Bill says. So lets mandate a bottle of mouth wash to all students. Two presidents hell one is enough to get us in trouble.
Which is precisely why they need taught about safe sex instead of abstinence as the only option. That's so negligent it's criminal. Say what you want about Bill's morality (which I could care less about) but he got the job done on what mattered. From a surplus under his tenure to a record setting deficit. Lining the fat cat pockets of good old boy money. That's leadership for ya. Cheney and Haliburton are smiling all the way to the bank.
dont put me and any Clinton in same sentance please. ok George Clinton would be fine.
thanks mule the update. i have no access to that info anywhere else..lol
I doubt there'd even be an "atomic dog" if certain mindsets were to remain in office or similar ones take over. After all George might let loose with an expletive on a cd and oh my, we surely couldn't hear that--the psychological damage would be so severe we might pass a bill that makes teenagers engaging in sex, rather than abstinence, face firing squads. ;)
A vote for Hilary is a vote for Fascism. As for me, I am for individualism and capitalism not fascism or socialism.

I find it laughable that she is running on experience. This is the top CEO job in the world and she has never even been a mayor, a governor, nor a CEO of a major corporation, and as a senator, I can’t name one significant bill or initiative that she has accomplished. The only experience she has is being first lady and in that job, name one thing she accomplished a la Lady Bird Johnson’s Keep America Beautiful or anything of note.

I fear too that I will not like our next president but I have enough faith in our system that one person can only mess us up so far. The gridlock that is congress keeps us from passing too many unconstitutional laws that restrict our guaranteed freedoms. There is no doubt that Ms Clinton would do a fair amount of damage moving us a few notches away from our foundation of capitalism but I don’t think any of them can single handedly wreck the country, they need their buddies in congress to get that done.
Oh and for those who may have problems with the word fascism, please understand the definition.
Capitalism = means of production are owned and controlled by individuals not government
Socialism = means of production are owned and controlled by government not individuals
Fascism = means of production are owned by individuals but controlled by the government - as we see with bills that mandate gas mileage from car manufacturers or try to tell businesses what to make, how much to make, or what to charge for it rather than letting the free market work unrestricted.
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"I have enough faith in our system that one person can only mess us up so far."

Thank God for that or else Bush would have us flushed down the toilet instead of just floating in it!
Atlopencpl said:
Oh and for those who may have problems with the word fascism, please understand the definition.
Capitalism = means of production are owned and controlled by individuals not government
Socialism = means of production are owned and controlled by government not individuals
Fascism = means of production are owned by individuals but controlled by the government - as we see with bills that mandate gas mileage from car manufacturers or try to tell businesses what to make, how much to make, or what to charge for it rather than letting the free market work unrestricted.

I wonder what the word is when our government is owned by corporations?
A lesson in freedom.

Both of the major political parties in the US are all about power and control over us. There is very little difference between the two.

The two primary means of control are through redistribution of income (notice I did not say wealth) and through social behaviors.

The democrats primarily use financial controls to exercise power and secondarily, social legislation.

The republicans reverse that and use social legislation first and fiscal legislation second.

The problem is that neither are in keeping with the intent of the founders. The pursuit of happiness simply means the freedom to try. The was no intent to guarantee outcome. There's a lot to be said for the natural selection process aka survival of the fittest.

I used to vote republican because I felt that if I were able to keep more of what I earn, I could buy my way around their social controls. And that does work.

Now I make a statement when I vote. I vote libertarian whenever there's a candidate running and republican when there is not.

The reason for that is because my goal is to control my own life. If I can keep more of what I earn, I decide where I live, where my children go to school, the quality of medical care I get, what I drive, where I spend my free time. When they take my money, they also take away my choices.

It is not my responsibility to pay for other people's medical care, or education or retirement. Nor is it their responsibility to pay for mine. I am a proponent of freedom and personal responsibility.

The statements some of you are make are scary. The democrats want to take your money and the republicans want to control you morals. You should be complaining about both and supporting neither.

Read the following quotes and think about how they apply to you. What are you willing to give up? As for me, I am willing to give up nothing and fight to the death for freedom.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania (1759)

"Intellectual freedom cannot exist without political freedom; political freedom cannot exist without economic freedom; a free mind and a free market are corollaries."-- Ayn Rand, "For The New Intellectual,"
I could like Hillary, Obama, or Edwards. Probably Edwards is best. My only problem is that I'm more of a Lieberman Democrat, with the philosophy that we broke it so we bought it in Iraq. No leaving till it's fixed. Two of them voted to go in-- but now they'd probably leave the troops in the lurch. So, I don't like my first three candidates on this issue. Of Republicans, I like McCain and almost like Guliani.
RoamingWifeAndHerHubby said:
Right On, Ro !

Corporations can't own anything - corporations are a collection of people who have pooled their resources for a common goal.

Just like you can't tax corporations - you tax people when you do.
Pooch said:
dont put me and any Clinton in same sentance please. ok George Clinton would be fine.
thanks mule the update. i have no access to that info anywhere else..lol
See I knew you had no other updates on your woman in that backward part of the country you live in. They got shoes down there yet.
Atlopencpl said:
Corporations can't own anything - corporations are a collection of people who have pooled their resources for a common goal.

Just like you can't tax corporations - you tax people when you do.
This is the way it is.
RoSquirts said:
I wonder what the word is when our government is owned by corporations?

American ?

Sorry, and excuse my ignorance, but over here I think we would all agree that all politicians are the same, a bunch of people who will say anything to get into power and then do very little of what they promised, apart from looking after themselves. The American system seems much more debated and the citizens much more involved, with the emphasis being on individuals rather than policies. In the UK most people seem resigned to not liking the politicians they get.

Is voting mandatory in the States?
IndyHubby said:
Both of the major political parties in the US are all about power and control over us...

Now I make a statement when I vote. I vote libertarian whenever there's a candidate running and republican when there is not.

The reason for that is because my goal is to control my own life. If I can keep more of what I earn, I decide where I live, where my children go to school, the quality of medical care I get, what I drive, where I spend my free time. When they take my money, they also take away my choices.

It is not my responsibility to pay for other people's medical care, or education or retirement. Nor is it their responsibility to pay for mine. I am a proponent of freedom and personal responsibility.

Interesting, and well stated position, IndyHubby.

I'd point out that people vote the way they do based on a lot of reasons; social, financial, etc. A wealthy person would most likely not for for a candidate who'd tax them heavily, or otherwise infringe on their lofty social and financial position. A person of severely limited means WOULD certainly vote for a candidate who would mandate national health care, amongst other national programs. That's just the way it is in this country.

It's important to consider that we're all in this country together, and we all will vote our consciences, and our pocketbooks. Allowing a huge number of our citizenry to 'fall through the cracks' is NOT viable; because people will do whatever it takes to survive.

And, let's be honest here. YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO (NOR DO YOU) 'pay for other people's medical care, or education or retirement,' unless you are one of the richest people in this country. I understand your inferrence, but you are simply a part of the whole. My taxes probably equal yours, and I don't have a problem with taking care of others here in MY COUNTRY (TOO!). If we're taking care of millions of people (foreign and military aid) in other countries, why can't we be compassionate about our own fellow citizens.

As I said, your post was well written; just remember that people vote from a lot of differing perspectives. Yours (AND MINE) is just one of the many.

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